One site at I have been looking at is the site that teaches children French: www.poissonrouge.com I think it is really fun, not that I am a child or anything bu there is one level where you can paint your own picture in the style of Jackson Pollock. There is a lot of different marks that you can use and they are all different sizes and rotations. The picture to the right is from that site. I find it really fun, I think I could spend all day on it making different pieces of art to be honest. It teaches kids really what kind of marks that Mr Pollock used in his art and could inspire them to make their own painting out of all the different options hat are available. There are lots of different arty things to do on this part of the site. This is a game on Poisson rouge, going by the name, It’s obvious that it teaches children how to talk french. This one is an Escher game, basically all you do is hover over the different hexagons and they turn into what looks like a painting from Escher. It is only black and white bu it could make kids want to do their own drawing like Escher. There is another one that lets you change the colours on the picture that Andy warhol made of Marilyn Monroe. I think that this is fun because you can make the all look really bright, ad the fact that there is a lot of them it means that you can edit a lot of them and make them all look different. There are a lot of different games on this site. I don't find hem fun but that's probably because they're not for 17 year old girls. There is another game hat teaches you the alphabet, and when you hover over a certain letter, a word in french appears on the screen. For example, When you hover over e, a star pops up, and the french word for star (I'm only basing this off the game) is star, "étoile" I think that these games on this site are educational because it teaches children French and it teaches them about French artists and so on. There are lots of different activities, there is one of a clock where you can move the hands and underneath, It tells you which time you have set on the clock. The downside to this site is that It does not spell out the proper time that you have set, it just shows the digital version of the time. if children were going to learn it properly then it would have to be spelt out properly for example “nine o’clock” or “half past nine” You can set the clock to lots of different looks, there is one with roman numerals which can teach them the roman numbers which is rather educational and could help them understand those type of clocks.
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