Monday 12 November 2012

Art in games : Photo Realism

Photo Realism:
This  would be linked to the art movement “Realism”. 
Some of the artists for this Movement would be 
Edward Hopper, He was most popularly known for his 
oil paintings. David Kassan makes life size realistic 
portraits of people that have abstract backgrounds.
The last artist is Alyssa Monks, She also uses oil paint 
to make her paintings. She draws pictures of people 
and distorts the images a little, still making them look 
An example of realistic games would be battlefield, 
The landscape in this game links a lot to photorealism.
It is very similar to the places in which it is set, the gulf 
of Oman. Battlefield is a first-person shooter game. It can
 go on multiplayer and the players can be one of four 
roles Assault, Support, Engineer and Recon.

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